beach wedding program

We used organic sugar as "sand" in these favors. My sister baked sugar cookies in the shape of sand dollars and bought sea shell chocolates.

Beach pew decorations

In these pew decorations, I used a sand colored tulle and a little bit of pink to coordinate with the pink in the bride's gown.

beach wedding table poem

My sister wrote this little poem to encourage guests to serenade the newlyweds. I made a simple standee out of two shells and a glass marble.

Beach wedding photo panels

Since the wedding is in Montana, I broke a seascape into 5 20"x30" photo panels. Just $8 each to print them at Costco! They'll be hung on a room divider, separated by tulle ribbon with shell ties, to suggest a beach landscape.

cable tie mounts use on foam core

David came up with a great way to mount hardware so we could hang the foam core backed photos on the room divider. It's a self adhesive thingy used to mount cable ties for electric wiring. They are pretty sturdy, easy to tie to, and they don't stick out much.

Beach wedding centerpiece

We used a fishbowl centerpiece with shells. I used $1 scrapbook sheets as place mats.

Beach wedding chair sash

In order to use a shell as the tie on the chair sash, I used precut wooden starfish shapes from the craft store as a backing to hot glue to. They were 29 cents, but I used a coupon to buy 80 of them! I ended up having some extra sash ties, which I have for sale on Etsy.




beach wedding chair sash

We alternated different shades of blue and green, and used a variety of shells on the sash ties.