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So! I wrote a beginner ukulele book! I have been teaching people to play ukulele for years, and in the process I developed a teaching method that helps people play their first songs on a musical instrument, even if it’s something they didn’t think they could do. I combined my “first-time-beginner” learning method with nice big illustrations for little kids to enjoy.

I’ve received many requests for songs that are really easy, so I limited this songbook to songs that mostly have only the two easiest chords: F and C7. My goal was that anybody could pick up a ukulele, no matter how “musically challenged” they claim to be, and entertain their daughter, nephew, grandchild, or themselves with this book.


The Easy Illustrated book of Kids’ Ukulele Folk Songs is available on Amazon and directly from me, via my Etsy shop, Goodwerks. You can also find it in my hometown of Bozeman, Montana, at select music and toy stores.

In the process of making easy ukulele songs accessible to everyone, I invented something I called the “player’s eye view chord chart.” (I think it’s new—or at least I haven’t seen others quite like it.)

I  thought it might be easier for beginners to understand finger placement if the illustrations showed the chords from their viewpoint.

Here’s the page from The Easy Illustrated book of Kids’ Ukulele Folk Songs that features the “Player’s Eye View” ukulele chord illustrations. Pin away! And thanks for spreading the word about my new book. It’s made for parents, teachers, grandparents, or anyone who wants to play music with children. It could also make a nice gift for kids (~ages 5-9) who are new to the ukulele, or anyone who wants  a confidence-boosting start to ukulele chords.


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